March 7, 2018
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Larry J. Seidman Award for Outstanding Mentorship
Nomination deadline: 15th April 2018
Angelo Cocchi Award 2018
Nomination deadline: 1st April 2018
The IEPA 11 Angelo Cocchi Award will be given to an individual (chosen by the IEPA membership) who has made a significant contribution to the study or implementation of fidelity to an evidence-based model of early intervention for youth with psychosis.
Future Leaders Awards
Nomination deadline: 23rd March 2018
Eligible applicants will have completed their most recent degree (masters, PhD, MD, MBBS, nursing qualification, DClinPsych, etc.), post-doctoral fellowship, residency training or clinical fellowship within the last 5 years. The awards are aimed at those who have not yet reached a senior clinical or academic role.
Abstract Submissions
Oral and Poster Submissions due 19th March 2018
Symposium decisions will be made by 1st March 2018. Individual authors whose symosium abstract was not accepted as part of a symposium session may re-submit their abstract as an oral or poster presentation. Oral abstracts will automatically be considered as posters if they are not accepted for presentation at the conference.
Please direct questions to
Submission Process
If you attended IEPA in the past (or submitted an abstract), your conference account is still active. Please log-in with your email address.
Make your submission. Follow the instructions within your account to submit a Symposium, Oral or Poster abstract. You may update, modify, change or cancel your abstract within your account at any time until the abstract deadline.
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