October 25, 2022
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IEPA15, The 15th International Conference on Early Intervention in Mental Health
The IEPA Early Intervention in Mental Health Association is asking for Expressions of Interest to host the IEPA15 conference in 2025.
Ideally this conference would be held at a University or similar venue during non-term dates, to keep costs down to ensure registration fees are as low as possible, and could also incorporate a hybrid face-to-face/ online option.
We would appreciate receiving Expressions of Interest by 5th December, 2022 via email to IEPA15@iepa.org.au
Please include the following in your Expressions of Interest:
Host City:
Please describe the location from a global perspective. Why it makes the ideal location for a conference including anticipated local and international delegate attendance? How easy this city is to access?
Local Organising Committee:
Is there a group of people who can collaborate and together increase the possibilities of a large attendance? We would like to encourage you to think about including academics, clinicians, people with lived experiences, carers and policy makers.