September 12, 2017
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First Latin-American Symposium on Prevention in Psychiatry
By Ary Gadelha and Rodrigo Bressan.
The first Latin-American Symposium on Prevention in Psychiatry is on 22-23 Sept in São Paulo, Brazil.
This is the first symposium in Latin America focused on early intervention and prevention in psychiatry. The conference will be an important opportunity to put together researchers, clinicians, policy makers, and patients from several countries in Latin America and abroad.
The opening session will be conducted by Dr. Lucia Valmaggia, elected President of IEPA. There will also be speakers from Chile (Dr. Nicolas Crossley and Dr. Juan Pablo, Undurraga), Colômbia (Dr. Rodrigo Córdoba), USA (Dr. Russell Margolis) and Brazil (Jorge Cândido de Assis, Dr. Rodrigo Bressan, Dra. Graccielle Cunha, Dr. Gustavo Estanislau, Dr. Quirino Cordeiro, Dr. Cristiano Noto and Dr. Ary Gadelha). The focus will be on schizophrenia, reviewing the experience on the field of prevention and discussing future directions for prevention of mental disorders.
The event is being organized by the Schizophrenia Programa of Federal University of São Paulo (PROESQ). The support of APAL (Associacion Psiquiatrica da America Latina) was possible through its elected President, Dr. Antônio Geraldo, also former president of ABP (Associação Brasileira de Psiquiatria).
The event is an important precursor to the 12th IEPA International Conference on Early Intervention in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 2020.
Enrolments are open until 20 September through the Centro de estudos paulista de psiquiatria (Center of psychiatric studies in São Paulo) website:
All IEPA registered members receive a 50% discount. To take advantage of this, email your name to simposioproesq[at]