Kate Hardy, Clin.Psych.D
Kate Hardy, Clin.Psych.D is a Clinical Professor at Stanford University and California Licensed Psychologist who has specialized in working with individuals with psychosis for over 20 years in research, service development and clinical settings. Dr. Hardy received her doctorate in clinical psychology from the University of Liverpool, United Kingdom and completed her post-doctoral fellowship at the University of California, San Francisco. She is the Co-Director of the Stanford Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences INSPIRE clinic where she also provides psychosocial interventions for individuals with psychosis and their families. She is the Director of INSPIRE training and offers national and international training in CBT for psychosis and early psychosis models of care. Dr Hardy co-leads the national Psychosis-Risk and Early Psychosis Program Network (PEPPNET) and supports state and national dissemination of early psychosis model development.