November 4, 2019

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It’s estimated that worldwide there are 970 million people with a mental health or substance use disorder and that 75% of all mental health disorders start before the age of 25.

Across the word all cultures value their young people and desire to see them reach their full potential. Mental ill-heath threatens the realisation of this potential, however evidence-based early intervention can minimise the impact and change a young person’s recovery trajectory. This video and infographic outline the value of early intervention in mental health for young people and society as a whole.

We are also pleased to provide this video with subtitles in three addtional languages, Spanish, Portuguese and French, these versions of the video can be accessed on our YouTube Channel



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When sharing these resources on social media we encourage you to include the following hashtags:

#EarlyIntervention #GlobalGoals #TimetoAct #EIMentalHealth


IEPA EI infographic

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