February 12, 2015

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Professor Angelo Cocchi

angelo cocchi iepa

It is with great sadness that we learned of the sudden death of Professor Angelo Cocchi.

Professor Cocchi had been a member of the IEPA since March 2000 and was co-chair of the 10th International Conference on Early Psychosis, Looking Back, Moving Forward to be held in Milan in October 2016.  In his honour we will endeavour to make this a memorable and successful event.

Professor Cocchi started Programma 2000 with Anna Meneghelli in Milan and leadership for implementation of the early intervention in Italy.  Professor Cocchi was the founding member and the first president of the Italian Association of Early Intervention in Psychiatry (Associazione Italiana Interventi Precoci nelle Psicosi (AIPP)).

We offer our most sincere condolences to Professor his family and work colleagues.