June 7, 2024
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Dear Members,
Thank you to those of you who nominated recently for the various positions on the IEPA Board. We will be holding elections for those positions after the northern hemisphere summer. Today I am writing to you to invite further nominations for the position of President-elect. I thought it might be helpful for me to explain what this role is. The President-elect of IEPA functions as a Vice-President to the President. The role works to support the work of the association and the strategy of the President and board. A key element of this role is about learning the role of President, and also having a period of two years to think about the direction IEPA will evolve under your leadership. This is because after the 2-year term as IEPA President-elect, the holder of this role becomes the IEPA President. As President you will be the primary person representing the association, chairing the board, steering the direction and strategy of the association and the person who interacts with other organisations on behalf of the board and association. After 2 years of doing this, the holder will then move into the Past-President role for a further 2 years. In this role you will lend support to your successor as President, be a source of counsel for them and the board and lend your experience to the strategy that the board is pursuing.
So all up, this position is actually a 6 year commitment to three roles.
As I am coming to the end of my own 6-year journey through these roles I thought it may be helpful to offer some reflections on how it has been. I was elected to the role of President-elect in 2018 and started in the role in 2019. I was fortunate to have Professor Lucia Valmaggia as President and I learned a lot from observing the way that she executed the role. I had also been involved as a board member of IEPA for some years prior to moving into the President-elect role so I had a good understanding of the overall dynamics of the association and the strategic plans. Of course, in 2020 the pandemic happened and so the last year of Lucia’s presidency and all of mine was about managing the viability of the association through this unprecedented crisis. The period of my presidency probably realistically involved about a full day a week of my time; however, I imagine in more ordinary times, this could be less.
Despite the work and the pandemic, it has been really rewarding to have had the privilege of the opportunity to lead IEPA and the IEPA board, to see some aims realised and to have hopefully laid the groundwork for more progress in other areas in future. It is a role that I would wholeheartedly recommend to anyone who cares deeply about early intervention in mental health and wants to make a meaningful contribution to shaping the agenda and supporting the growth of EI research and services around the world.
Please do not hesitate to contact us via email election2024@iepa.org.au should you have any questions about the role or regarding the election process.
Information about IEPA Elections 2024
As per the Rules of Incorporation all candidates must be an IEPA member and be nominated by two members of the IEPA and endorsed by the candidate.
It is the responsibility of the Candidate to complete the online nomination form and to ensure your nomination form is correctly and fully completed.
Should only one nomination for each position be received, the nominated candidate will take up that position.
Should more than one nomination for a position be received, an election will be held and you shall be contacted via email with details of the Candidates and how to vote from TrueVote.
All positions will commence 1st January, 2025. For further information about roles and responsibilities and terms of office please view them here
About IEPA
With its origins in early intervention in psychosis, IEPA aims to enhance awareness of the early phases of mental health disorders more generally, their causes, prevention and the process of recovery. It aims to provide a network for international communication and collaboration between stakeholders. IEPA members include clinicians, researchers, administrators, policy makers, people with lived experience, family members and any individual with an interest in the field of early intervention in mental health.
Every two years the IEPA hosts an international conference, providing an excellent opportunity for sharing experiences and exchanging ideas. For information on our latest conference please see the IEPA Conference Website
For more information about the IEPA, membership, governance and operation please view the IEPA Rules of Incorporation
You can find information about Board composition and officer roles here